Keep your head up and things will have to get better! I am in a similar situation as a "newbie" and it does suck, truly! But I have to look for the things I CAN DO to make my business succesful and to get started rather than focusing on what I don't have. I rented a car to get my first few deals....and even though it was expensive, it was a life saver and my family, who are my BIGGEST FANS AND SUPPORTERS believed in me and took care of the expense so I could focus on my business and schooling, too. I am a multitask lover so I need a lot of projects going to feel satisfied.......but I totally understand your feelings and the anxiety and feelings of hopelessness that often want to intrude on your otherwise happy amibitions. I hope you have found some solutions by the time you read this :-) I have had to be creative in all areas of my life to make things happen....for some of us things seem to come with an extra burden or hardship....but I truly believe my day is coming and I will be victorious and the best investor I CAN BE.....