Further comments on World of Warcraft toxicity. This is a game, and culture, where if you have even the slightest negativity or insecurity, or emotional vulnerability and lack of poise, and you talk with other people and play with them, you will get chewed up and spit out. Or even worse, you'll become one of the "predators" who does the chewing up and spitting out, where your time is spent DESTROYING people.
For some people, 90% of their social interaction in WoW is spent engaging in verbal or emotional combat. Some of these people are trolls, and some are serious. The serious ones have the biggest problem, because they take it all seriously. Then you have the people who "don't take it seriously" but take not taking it seriously, seriously. Thus they are still easily messed with. Finally you have the trolls or the "well adjusted people with a sense of humor." It's often impossible to tell the difference in such a hostile environment ;)
There are two kinds of trolls: the ones who get sucked in, and the ones who don't. I reckon at least 60-70% of the trolls get sucked in or even 95%+ and end up, in effect, "trolling themselves." Which means that all the stuff involved with them stirring up emotions in other people, lead to them stirring up their own emotional energy as well and getting sucked into the negativity. The second type of troll is what I call a true professional, a master at the art. These people enjoy watching others take things too seriously (getting sucked into ********), and especially like stirring the pot. Some of them are advanced long-game trolls who don't actually try to provoke people to anger in the moment, but instead like to perpetuate "story lines" of interaction that may even span YEARS.
Finally you have the "emotionally well adjusted" people. These people may come off as trolls because they have a sense of humor that appreciates the level of absurdity found in the general behavior of the WoW culture. They somehow manage to maintain emotional poise and enjoy themselves in a predatorial jungle of verbal/emotional warfare. Some of them become YouTube/Twitch sensations and make a living entertaining people with their World of Warcraft activities.