@Rob K. hilarious ^_^
I actually cut off communication with one of my friends completely. I will not re-initiate until I've achieved success. He was being a real a-hole, and it wore down on me too much. The other friend I'm only maintaining very limited communication with. Literally once every few days, or even week, in terms of signing onto AIM and maybe shooting a message. I will deal with them more once I've gotten over the initial success hump.
Right now this forum is 99% of my social interaction, just like I wanted it to be (for the time being).
Haha, into dudes. If only. As wonderful as a beautiful female is, I can't really say I see your idea as tenable. For one thing, the idea of locking myself and a girl into an exclusive sexual relationship does not attract me. I like the female sex far too much to want to limit myself to just one. Also, I believe it would take me years to find a woman I like enough as a person to actually be willing to spend a lot of my time with on a consistent basis (remember, if you couldn't tell already I'm a strange guy). I'm convinced it would be harder to find such a gem than to achieve wild success in this business of real estate. As much as I like women sexually, when it comes to normal day to day living, the idea of constantly being around the same person, especially a woman, does not appeal to me. In my opinion there's no quicker way to kill a relationship of ANY KIND (including with guys) than spending too much time together. Maybe I'm just weird. Oh well.
Secondly, while I certainly like the idea of a female sexual partner showing her devotion to me by giving me resources, the idea of actually becoming dependent on a woman is absolutely abhorrent to me. My dad was financially dependent on my mom, and then his new wife and mother of his children. This lead to all sorts of problems and incredible toxicity from which I barely emerged sane. There is no better way for a man to destroy himself than this way, unless he's a mack or pimp. As hilarious as pimps are, I don't think that's for me. While I do find the idea of a woman showing her devotion attractive, I would probably rather she did it by being useful in some other way, such as helping me out with my endeavors as a team member. Essentially what you're saying is I should leverage a sexual relationship with a woman to extract financial value out of her. While I'm sure it's a potent strategy, it just doesn't rub me the right way. Even if I compensate her fairly, I just don't want to be put in that position. There's a hidden cost to depending on a friend or sexual partner to get you from point A to point b, instead of doing it via business. That cost is "ammunition" or "emotional leverage." It can be used to attempt to enslave someone in return for their "sacrifices." I'd rather keep all such BS out of my relationships. I prefer freedom.
Third, let's examine the idea of a woman sexual partner encouraging me to "do something with my life" or having me fulfill her need to have a "fixer upper" project. First of all, I am way past the point of associating attractive women with life success. This is a societal trap (mostly only young men fall for it) that drives men to work themselves to death in the hopes of maximizing their sexual market-place value, or somehow thinking that if they become wealthy, notorious, famous, or "accomplished" enough they will somehow attract an amazing soul-mate of a woman. Or, perhaps they're trying to gain the approval and admiration of their wife or girlfriend. This is all a scam designed to drive an unsustainable economy forward. There are only two things a woman can inspire in me with her sexuality: 1) love 2) lust. Further, I have no interest in "being somebody" or "being a success" in and of itself. For me, success in business is a means to an end, which is the enjoyment of life. Secondly, let's examine "fixer upper." A woman looking to fix a man sounds very much like misplaced maternal instinct. While I certainly believe it's possible for the feminine to have a potential beneficial effect driving forward "personal evolution" I don't think being a mother, or a fixer is that. I already have a mother. She lives with me. I stopped wanting mothering when I was a little boy. What I really needed was a father, and I didn't get enough of that because my father was very sick and more tired and depressed than I am. Fortunately I got just enough of it that I was able to pick up the ball from there at some point. Even now my mom still attempts to mother me. I just bark at her until she goes away. The friend of mine who I completely cut off contact with, he lives with his mom too. She still mothers him and he actually likes being mothered by her. It's absolutely disgusting! He's always asking her permission to do things, and afraid of doing something she won't allow. He's 30 as well. JESUS CHRIST. Living with our moms is bad enough, we don't have to add insult to injury ;) It's no surprise he's such a loser. I often tell him he's a "mama's boy *****." ;) The best a female cohort can do for me is "ease my pain" ;) the worst is she can cause a whole lot more pain, which is very likely if I become too deeply entangled with her. I gotta fix myself. Ain't nobody else gonna do it for me (they wouldn't know how, anyway).
To be fair I'm not a general gamer myself. I actually don't touch video game consoles. I only play computer games (PC games). I also tend to stick to one or two games that I focus on exclusively, unless I'm having a LAN party, which involves getting together in one location with friends and hooking up our computers on a local area network, killing eachother in deathmatches, and eating nachos.
There are plenty of 40+ year olds into computer gaming. They're probably just a hell of a lot more nerdy than you.
It's funny you mention playing chess online. I would only play it in person. I spend so much time on computers that I greatly value my physical reality time and interaction. You can't play World of Warcraft in physical reality. Not without being killed or going to prison :)
"You need to always be thinking one step ahead. Like a carpenter who builds stairs......"
Gud vun Sir, I think I'll steal that