I count them as a cost of acquiring the property.
Generally I wouldn't put money down if It's possible. Because I'd rather use it to buy more properties, as long as your property has a reasonable positive cashflow, it is important to hold on to your cash if you have the chance to. It increases your cash on cash and ability to acquire more properties.
Depending on how much yearly taxes you pay, house insurance, utilities, vacancy rate in the area, maintenance, mortgage rate. You are really on the edge and personally I would back away. You have to consider also in the future the management fees (around 10% of the rent) because as your protfolio grows you wouldn't be able to manage all of them and you want to ensure that you keep a positive cash flowing even when you hand your property to management company. keep all those expenses in mind when analyzing a property to avoid surprises.
This is just my own opinion, I am curious to see what other investors would think...