@Arthur Schwartz Thank you for taking the time to reply. You mentioned buying with cash and later re-financing in and taking 80% out, are re-finance rates typically higher? How long after the purchase can you refinance. Would it be better, given the mortgage rates now, to just purchase with a loan. Others chimed in and seem to think so. Was just trying to get the best deal on the sale but also don’t want to tie up my cash and wind up paying a higher rate on re-finance than if I got a 30 year loan or other. If it were your purchase, what would you do?
This home is probably around 300k - a 3 bedroom house in a desirable community. Prior to COVID Family’s were asking if there were homes to rent in the area because there were a shortage of homes to buy. I’m not sure how the market has been impacted by COVID. Has it impacted the market in Raleigh? This property is right next to mine and I folks call me all the time to see if I want to sell my property-I’m assuming wholesalers but I’m also getting folks out of state calling me to buy. Not sure if this is relevant or not.
If looking to invest in a property, how do you go about choosing? Curious on others methods. I have a disability so most of my income from my other investments. My spouse works full time. Although this house is in a desirable community, I won’t be getting a steal on it but steals are not easy to come by here in general. Like I mentioned it’s in a great neighborhood, I’m just wondering if I should be investing in smaller properties like a townhome or less expensive home and if they would offer me better returns. I’m okay with not making money initially, if it will provide us greater returns later but I don’t want to wind up pouring all my personal savings into repairs over time either. I would like for the rent to pay the bills. Yah know what I mean. Im not bidding against others so I do have an advantage but does that make this the right property, I don’t know. I probably won’t make money until down the road.
When you are determining whether to buy a rental house or not, do you typically want the rent to cover the mortgage, taxes and all potential expenses or early on, or is it pretty normal to expect to pay funds out of your own pocket for some expenses for some time? It would be ideal if the rent could cover all expenses, at a minimum, and even nicer if I wind up with some cash in my pocket too. Just trying to figure out if I’m chewing off too much because it’s good location and a convenient purchase. Also concerned about renters struggling to pay rent right now. I would always support a renter in challenging times but I don’t now how long I would be able to do that if I have to pay a mortgage etc. myself. Are there provisions for landlords to help them get by?
The owners realtor is getting an appraiser to come in to provide a starting number to work with and said i could deduct for any repairs expenses. I initially said i would pay cash but that may change. Still trying to figure that out. Do appraisers have a legal responsibility to provide an accurate appraisal? Not sure why the realtor doesnt just look at comps and come up with a number. Either way it will give me a starting point.
Just looked at zillow, gives an estimate of 333k for the house-it will probably be less as the owner is not doing any repairs or work and they said I could deduct. According to Wells Fargo I would have to put 66k down, closing cost around $8475 at apr of 2.729% and the monthly mortgage payment would be around $1427 per month. I’m not sure if that rate would be higher for a rental property, do you know?. The potential rent looks like about $1900 a month. That would leave me with about $473 per month for all other expenses. The taxes on the property taxes are $3300 per year, so after taxes that I’m left with about $2376 for repairs etc. Does it seem like a good purchase to you?
Thanks for listening. I’m just trying to think through this and determine how to proceed. Everyone’s help is appreciated.