Sorry Joshua. It's a little confusing but here goes. Our "fund" will buy non performing notes from investors (who already purchased at a discount), work with the current homeowner to keep them in home, and profit from the newly created equity (that the bank wrote off). In the end the homeowner gets to stay in home, get some of the new equity(half) and the investor in the fund gets a good long term investment with returns. It's obviously more detailed and I have powerpoints to explain but I don't want them on the web. We have the infrastructure in place (legal,title,servicing etc...) and we have access to the notes, just looking for capital. It's a plan that is tailored toward pension funds,retirement,etc... since they have longer investment strategies (although everybody used to), but they want to see it in action first. First one in gets a piece of company on top of returns so it has a nice upside-- unless you believe the real estate market in CA,AZ and NV will not return to normal in the next 7 years.