What made you want to purchase a multi-family and rent out the units than to buy, flip and move on to the next project?
Each home I've purchased I always made sure the basement had a walk out so I can rent it out. With the exception of one tenant, I've been lucky enough to have tenants who paid on time and didn't complain much. The one that rents out my basement now is fantastic and pays rent way ahead of the due date. We've had our minor issues here and there (she saw a mouse, small things broke and needed repair etc) but it was nothing major and usually got resolved pretty quickly. I did have one nightmare tenant that constantly complained. She eventually left after 4 months (I do month by month leases) but I can only imagine the hell I would have got if she saw a mouse or came across any of the other issues my current tenant brought to my attention.
This may be the last tenant I rent to- I frankly just don't want to deal with it anymore. She's also set the bar so high that honestly don't think I can find a replacement that will even come close. She's kept my basement very clean and again, has paid rent on time (sometimes weeks in advance)
With that said, I can't imagine handling 4 tenants at once. Each with a different personality and demands that will probably drive me up the wall. At this point, I just want to buy, fix, flip, close and move on to the next project.
Tell me how you guys deal with the headache of tenants? Are there advantages to rent and hold than to buy and flip? Am I missing something here?