So I take it that your current strategy is looking to make the needed repairs, rent the property ASAP to start generating cash flow and then live in a 2 BR apartment or some similar minimal living arrangement for you and your daughter?
Unless rents are extremely low in apartments in an area you'd be comfortable renting in with a teenage daughter, you may end up in a tighter situation than you're currently in when considering repairs, moving costs/stress, potential for future repairs with tenant in place, and liquidity to get a tenant in place.
This could definitely be a time for creative solutions like taking a withdraw of principal from a ROTH IRA, or good old-fashioned elbow grease with a second job or freelance work for extra liquidity to get you to a more stable arrangement for you and your daughter.
From one father to another, you will find the way to make things work and take care of business: it's what we do.