@Kyle Abramov
Hi Kyle, I too chose to use a management company on my first 4 unit but at the same time I’m staying hands on to some extent at least until I feel comfortable with the management company. I think without experience you should strongly consider that or be ok with the risk that your money/property not being managed how you would like (though my default is to defer to the mgmt company’s recommendation as nitpicking/questioning everything won’t make for a good mutually beneficial relationship).
For example, I mow the grass for now to keep an eye on things/save a little money since it’s close by, take furnace filters to tenants, review repair orders over $x, review detailed financial statements monthly and go along to meet contractors for larger repairs so
I understand the pros and cons of the different options. I like that balance as I can learn faster/sleep better at night than being completely hands off without having to be at the mercy of the phone ringing. Longer term as I grow I’ll probably scale some of that back.