Sekelle - I took a look at your website. Very well done, with a lot of information.
My advice would be that it appears you are trying to sell potential sellers on your service using your web site.
As we all know, you have to build a relationship. That is much easier accomplished by visiting with someone on the phone as opposed to a web site.
So, my advice would be to have a single web page with some very basic information on what you can do and how they can contact you. Once you have had a conversation with that motivated seller, you could direct them to other pages on your web site for further information. Doing that has worked very well for me.
As a side note, I send out postcards to potential motivated sellers that has both my web site and my phone number on it. I was initially shocked to discover that over 90% of the people called me as opposed to filling out a contact form on my web site. I guess that's what motivated seller do.