Well said! I was just explaining this to someone today, in different words, like you explained it with the football scenario. I like the way you explained it better than I did lol. Tough to get the words out straight when explaining this to people who are looking for a straight one way answer. I’m still pretty new at real estate investing compared to most but after learning the basics and starting to roll with deals you start seeing this picture you explained above and how there are so many variables to each person investing in real estate. Goals, current income, your market, what kind of current or future lifestyle you want to live, your debt and monthly expenses etc etc etc. It just takes time to see a big picture of investing in real estate and the different ways to reach your goals with your investments. Learn the basics first, take action and do some deals and always search for more knowledge and network network network and if you got your head on straight you can turn into the NFL Super Bowl champion coach.