Update #24
I got down to Florida late Sunday night and yesterday I launched the campaign here. I started with a video views campaign to build my audience, since that worked well in CT. I used dynamic creative with 6 videos and multiple variations of copy.
This morning, I noticed my I had 171 thruplays (15 second video views) from 190 impressions, which is crazy high. The CPM was also high at over $13, so I dove in deeper to see if something weird was going on.
I noticed Facebook added a new placement called "Rewarded video" and almost all my ads were going to that placement. Facebook defines this as "Rewarded video ads are a type of video placement available for gaming apps. Players can choose to watch a video in exchange for a reward, such as virtual currency or in-app items."
So it looks like people are bribed to watch a full video, which explains the high rate of thruplays. I decided to disable audience network. Since I'm using these videos to build my audience to retarget, I don't want to be building an audience of people who aren't actually interested in selling their home.