Many great points made here and I appreciate all of your perspectives.
I feel that transparency and pure intentions really go a long way no matter which business you’re in. To say that wholesaling in its entirety is unethical seems a bit off to me though. Just because there aren’t laws saying that a wholesaler has to look out for a homeowner’s best interest doesn’t mean that the wholesaler won’t do just that. If we’re being completely honest, most of them probably don’t. But that doesn’t mean all of them don’t.
Ensuring that the homeowner gets exactly what works best for them, from my perspective, should be the foundation of how to run the business. Not trying to convince them in any way but rather a legitimate curiosity to find out what it is that would best help the homeowner out and an understanding that most homeowner’s best option is NOT a wholesaler.
But I’m open to hearing more from those who insist wholesaling is unethical in its entirety and even suggestions of what would be a better route to start in real estate in your eyes. Thanks a ton!