I'm just curious about where everyone seems to think interest rates are higher now than when the original loans were written? The 10 year treasury is at 1.92% today, it was 2.72% in March of 2014, 1.86% April 1st of 2013. In fact, with the exception of a few months in 2012 and a few months in 2013 interest rates TODAY are lower than they have been for the any period of the last 10 years. They are lower today than in 2014, they are lower now than in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, etc. You get the point.
This notion that banks are A) taking out a 3% loan to get a 7% loan on the books is not only unrealistic, but false considering the interest rate environment.
Also, someone mentioned the FED raising rates in either this thread or another thread. The FED doesn't control LONG TERM interest rates. Residential loans (which is what we're talking about here, because a commercial loan would have been in the LLC's name in the first place) are tethered to the 10 Year Treasury Note. The 10Y Treasury's interest rate is determined on the OPEN MARKET, not by some nefarious FED or rich bankers sitting in a smoke filled back room.
Getting DOS called by a bank has nothing to do with it being a performing loan or not. It has to do with the fact that the bank's risk is greatly altered by the sale of the collateral to which the NOTE is tied.
If you borrowed money from your neighbor, but gave him the keys to your car to hold in good faith as collateral AND THEN sold the car, you don't feel like the neighbor would feel uneasy about the loan he has outstanding with you? You don't feel like he'd want to get paid immediately?