Quote from @George Azita:
Most likely, your LLC is a waste of time and money. Hopefully, you did a lot of research for the pros and cons on the internet.
Hi George,
Could you please elaborate? From my understanding, when investing in notes, an LLC is an important insulator for a lender to have to avoid any personal risk, unwanted communications with problem borrowers, and an effective way to keep that investment strategy passive. I have done a good amount of research and asked many note investors if they have ever invested in their own names without an LLC. All of them said they never would.
When working with my note broker, he specifically requested all the information for that LLC as part of the process so it must carry some kind of importance no?
Finally, establishing my LLC cost me less than $500 all told, so it wasnt an enormous investment for the protection it provides. There are annual costs, but those exist with any investment.
I'm interested to know your thoughts on the matter to the contrary. Thanks for the response!