@Hank Olken Kudos to you for considering this issue. I think you should figure out your convictions and live according to them.
I read a book a few years back that helped form my thoughts around tax code. Congress writes taxes to incentivize certain behaviors and if you comply, they reward you with tax breaks. You can look through the tax breaks and basically write a prescription for how congress wants you to live. Get married, buy a home, have children, own your own business, reinvest in your business, own other real estate, give to charities, save for retirement, save for medical expenses, make your home more energy efficient, etc. Tax law isn’t perfect but the best way to change it is through legislature.
My conviction is to comply with the laws as their written. I’ve chosen to order my life in a way that capitalizes on almost all of those tax breaks and so I benefit from them.
I’m glad to see that you’re thinking critically! Hopefully this thread is helpful.