To answer your question simply, yes. Depending on your credit card limits it can be a great way to use funds and SUPER cheap. For instance, if your credit cards are like mine, then every month you get 2-3 "convenience checks" issued for you to use anyway you like (though they want you to transfer balances). The checks can be written to cash for 0-3% transaction cost and 0% interest for 12-18 months depending on the cards. You have to make sure that the branch you cash the check at has the amount of cash on hand, so call ahead. As long as you can pay the monthly minimum which is between 1-2% of the balance and you can confidently flip out the house within the limited timeframe, then do it. You won't find cheaper money anywhere else. I recommend that you have at least two cards with equal limits so that you can max out the one card, paying it back over the 12-18 month period, and if you have to transfer the remaining balance you are only going to pay 0-2% transaction fee on the reduced balance (again, much cheaper than conventional methods) and have enough credit limit to allow the transfer, just don't ever miss a payment or the back interest will be dropped on you at around 25% APR. I have personally borrowed 20, 34, and 40k from my card(s) at once, over the years. Discover even has 0% transaction fee balance transfers and 0% interest for 12 months if you need to float a little longer than the timeframe of the convenience check. I also recommend offsetting and timeframes by 6 months so things aren't due all at once.