@Eric Adobo there are people willing to help me out and I take their advice, think about it, and from there o do what I think is best for me. That’s why every time I make a post it’s about a different topic because there’s always restrictions that prevent me from moving further and you guys help me realize that. Once I get advice from you guys here, I use it to my advantage to try and find something new that would help me get around those certain restrictions. When I find a new topic I ask you guys because most of you guys here are in fact more knowledgeable so that’s why I always ask something new here. Although certain people tell me to just go the traditional route I am to an extent but I also want to take part in something that I enjoy doing in my free time. Is that alright for someone to do something that they enjoy doing and try to find a way to pursue that by asking people who will be able to help them in a community built for that exact reason? Last time I checked it was and it still is like that.