I'm new to real estate, I've been researching ways to get started in the business for the past month. An aspect of real estate which I haven't seen much about but I think is very important is having good photos of a property. In the videos I've watched and in some blogs they showcase homes which feature very poorly taken photos or hardly any at all. I feel like this turns a lot of people off if they can't have a clear picture of what the property looks like. Is there such a thing as a real estate photographer? I'm asking because I'm searching for ways to be more involved in the whole practice of buying and selling, rather than just sticking to learning through my computer. I love photography and though I'm no pro, I can take better photos than the vast majority of photos shown on most homes. Is this a position people want to fill? I'm not trying to solicit myself, I am just asking if hiring someone to take photos or take videos of properties exists, or do most buyers/sellers do that themselves?