@Ben Day we looked at several management software offerings and decided to DIY. We have a Google calendar sync’d to our various hosting sites and our housekeeper, so that part was actually pretty easy. Accounting and invoicing is easy with only one property. I worked with our accountant to make sure I was tracking the appropriate things, and it takes me an hour or so each week to pay bills, upload receipts and update our expenditures. We don’t use any accounting software yet and our accountant advised us to KISS with only one property.
The one thing we don’t have is a formal website for the property outside of our social media and hosting pages. The website builders provided with those management software suites are “meh” at best. We already have a domain and email and I’ve worked with Word Press in the past so I may just build one myself with that platform or pay someone to build a nice site for us if we think it would be worth it. At this point, though, we are getting a decent mix of bookings from direct marketing and the hosting platforms, so it is hard to justify the additional overhead.
When we start adding more properties, we will definitely revisit the need for management software as our business becomes more complicated and time-consuming.