i have been looking at a lot of multi's lately...thats what i focus on-3 and 4 family properties in one city north of boston...been an investor for almost 7 years here, and a few years ago i never thought id have the opportunity to buy another multi for good cash flow...
then as we all know the downward spiral started...i started looking again about last year once these properties started to make sense on a cash flow basis...at this time there were zero buyers out there bidding on these types of homes in this particular city...
now over a year later every decent multi-family (3 or 4 units) has several offers coming in...and in most cases its over the asking price...im glad i have been buying this year as each day goes by i can feel the bottom coming in this market...it all comes down to cash flow
i truely feel we've seen the bottom at least in this city that i call my market...the bottom for almost a year now is $200K for a 3 decker (at least the decent ones that only need minor cleanups)...
not expecting a huge pickup...but if my feel that this is the bottom is correct that would be sweet...
anyone else seeing this out there?