I am a new investor and I just purchase my first home. I purchased it as my primary home in hopes that after a year I could rent it out. It is a half duplex and I love the location butttttt my neighbors play loud music, have many people coming in and out of the place and most days are hanging outside drinking beer or smoking. I did not see this prior to closing on the property and now it becomes a problem mostly because of the smoking and the close proximity to our place and I haven't even moved in yet so I can not imagine when I actually start living there. I also have a newborn and a toddler which I don't feel comfortable having them around the smoke which is very strong when we are outside in the yard.
ALSO there have been 2 bed bugs that I found in this property. I had the place inspected and was told there was no evidence of an infestation and was recommended to not do the treatment since it would cost me $2,000 and do a deep cleaning instead. The house is completely empty with zero furniture. I am starting to believe that they may also be coming from next door since from the looks of the outside of their property it doesn't look well kept (don't mean to judge but it just does not seem that clean). I am afraid that even if I do the treatment the bugs will keep coming back.
How do you all deal with these types of neighbors and is this a cause of concern or worry for the future of the property? Also, have you had any experience with bed bugs in a duplex? Should I still do the treatment? I love my home since it is otherwise in great condition and in a great location but am second guessing my choice since some of this is out of my control. Needing advice....