Thanks for the reply juzamjedi.
To answer some of those questions:
- For the market analysis, we haven't done any hard research as of yet. I'm just waiting to see if we can actually find a way to make it work financially before I commit to writing a business plan. However, it is truly a beautiful area and we have friends doing similar ranches in less pretty places who're doing very well. Family reunion places seem to be in high demand in this are and there's not much supply for it.
- Management experience isn't a problem. I'm currently a manager of a Holiday Inn Express and I have a degree in business management. But in all honesty, I really want to do my own thing (just like you mentioned).
- We don't plan on employing too many people, except family and of course contractors for repairs and such. We would like to allow families or customers to have the ranch to themselves during the time they payed for it.
- On dividing the additional 54 acres, we're fairly certain this can be done 4 ways without having to subdivide (but again, once we find a way to finance - we will make sure on stuff like this with the county). Land, or comps in the same area are selling for around $60,000 an acre (but we're still looking for comps and trying to get an idea on how long it would take to sell).
- Mortgage payments... yes, this is the problem. Some real etate expert told me probably the best way to go would be an Option ARM. I looked at an option arm and figured out how it would work, and I'm affraid even the minimum %1 payment for the first 5 years would be unbearable. However, we can make about a $200,000 down payment if necessary and we may also be able to make a lower offer (due to the feud). I was wondering if it might be possible to get a loan that doesn't require payments for the first 2 or 3 years (you know, like a furniture store)...
- About the feud, I don't know what it's about except that the property is owned by a father and a son. And they haven't spoken to each other for the past 5 years. They recently were able to communicate enough to agree to sell the property. This is why I'm affraid to get a loan from them. I don't know if they would cooperate or not. But who knows, it may be worth a try.
Anyhow, I hope this sheds some light on my situation. Again, thank you for any insights or help you can offer. Thanks for that link to the SBA. I will have to look at that when I get the chance.