@Luke Terry I listened to the Podcast awhile ago and I don't remember his full argument, but at least to your numbers, I think youre missing the investment part in your calc.
You'd only have about 18k in paydown after 5 years. So that would be 36k in rent savings + 18k in debt paydown + the original 60k in down payment. So 78k equity + 36k in rent savings.
If you were to take that 70k and invest lets say into 3 100k properties with 20k down each that rent for 1k netting 200$/mo and for the sake of the argument you put that money directly towards your rent... After 5 years, you have 36k in rent savings + the same 18k debt paydown + the same 60k (20*3) in equity. So 78k equity + 36k in rent savings. Which is the same.
Or .... if you took that 70k and invested it in a 8% fund (very doable at least with today's growth)... after 5 years, you'd have earned around 32k in interest and be up to 102k. Take 36k off the top to cover your excess rent, and you still have your 70k left.
I think as far the numbers are concerned (assuming the right investments), it becomes somewhat of a wash, although my numbers could be very wrong. Just wanted to give it a whack.
Of course, I know I'd rather buy but that's because i want to build a large garage :D