We are exploring the options of buying all our properties through a Title Holding Trust, or individual THT for each property. Curious if anyone has a complete checklist, doc templates, etc. for us to review. We will eventually most likely use an attorney to set this up, but would like templates to review for our own knowledge and possibly save us costs from drafting them from scratch. We are looking for the following:
- simple land trust
- beneficiary agreement
- assignment of beneficial interest
- occupancy agreement
- any relevant addendums/riders specific and unique to the particular transaction of "Lease Options" from the Trust to a potential end buyer.
- Recommendation on non interested third parties that act as Trustees. Would prefer them to be a corporate structure. We also do NOT want any recommendations to anyone YOU haven't used before.
Any tips, tricks, links, directions would be good. Would love to network with those currently utilizing these strategies for their Lease Option purchases.
We've heard the following people have great documentation, and knowledge. Anyone used the following and/or care to share the docs you have?
- Randy Hughes (http://www.realestateforprofit.com/landtrusts.aspx)
- Dawn Rickabaugh (http://notequeen.com/cost-of-the-title-holding-land-trust-transfer-system/)
Thanks guys for your help!