there are plenty of great reasons to own your personal residence. most of it is market and personal asset based, what you can or cannot afford to be doing. in some markets it's difficult to own and buy investment properties, others it's not. if the concern weighing you down is d/I, use a commercial product that ignores ratios and only is based on the deal. For some owning is a better option especially if you buy like an investor. lower down payments, taxes, insurance, improvement potential, appreciation. here for example my first home I paid 715/mo and if I were to have wanted to rent a similar house it would be $1200/mo, only way to save there would be to go to a tiny apartment. Also, not all banks will ignore the rent you pay on your d/I when buying an investment property. the underwriters are still going to ask where they live and what they pay... Also gives you something to leverage when looking for funding for another house.
lastly, for all those with the urge to simply quote rich dad and call it a liability, while he does discuss that, it's important to note that the point he is really trying to drive home is about living within your means...