Quote from @Sherrie Dufault:
We are interested in buy and hold and possibly BRRRRs
If that's the case, I'd work this problem backwards.
Find a stellar agent, in the market you're looking for. If you don't have a market, obviously find a few first.
Once you find that rockstar agent, have them help you find the equivalent mortgage officer. Both these professions work with each other frequently and know who performs well.
Once you have these two, get recommendations on title companies...again same thing people that perform well know others that operate at their level.
Now you have 3 resources if not more, use those to find the CPA and attorney. Again, all these people will know someone high quality and who can get stuff done.
Notice I left out property management? That's on purpose, many times they'll want you to use an in house service. While this is easier, I don't agree that the level of service is better.
Finding a property management company on your own would likely produce better results. They're easy to find, but interview them and sprinkle in questions you know the answer to. If there answer comes back significantly different it's one of two reasons: your wrong or they're wrong. If they can back it up and explain the difference then take that and readjust your opinion, but if you're confident they're wrong look for someone who's a better fit.
With all this said, there's so many markets it can be overwhelming. I found it easiest to identify areas based on my budget and goals. The more specific I was, the more clear the available options were and it helped cut through a TON of noise.
If you want help, feel free to message me. I can share with how I ended up in KC and passed on the East Bay.