There are several legal concerns with your proposed business model which should be reviewed by a local attorney before you begin leasing. These concerns include, but are not limited to;
A) Your LLC may be required by the local Board to obtain a brokerage license pursuant to Virginia Code §54.1-2106.1. The technical language of the code section generally can be read to require management LLCs to obtain brokerage licenses. Whether you are likely to be fined by your local enforcement agents should be discussed with a local attorney. You may potentially be exempt under other Virginia law, but an attorney would want to read your Articles of Organization before confirming, and would largely be based upon who has the controlling interest.
B) You may be opening yourself up to premises liability by not transfering the properties into the LLC. Generally speaking, home owners that rent property can be personally liable for certain types of harm that occur on rental properties. If such type of harm befell your clients, then you most certainly could face a personal injury lawsuit down the line.
C) In the event that your LLC is sued, there could be considerable questions about whether or not your LLC is created for a legitimate purpose given the level of intertwining that you are engaging in between yourself and the legal entity.
Based upon these concerns, you should absolutely consult local counsel before starting. Please keep in mind, this is not an exhaustive list of possible legal repercussions of your proposed business model, nor is it necessarily an accurate reflection of how strict your local enforcement agents are. Consult legal counsel.