@Nick Causa
I'm about to get on a soap box for a minute - save up for an emergency fund. I just hit this week with an unexpected $10k in CapEx. Long story short, the previous owner of my property pulled a fast one on me and it caused problems 5 years after I bought it.
Anyway, I only have one rental that I live in so take it for what it's worth, but I agree with @Alan Rohrer. An emergency fund is a self insurance policy against losing EVERYTHING when you have a problem. Many who agree save about 6 months of mortgage payments as a rule of thumb. However, I see many investors use credit cards as their emergency funds, but spread across enough time you WILL have an emergency and therefore you WILL use your credit card. My philosophy is that I can always go into credit card debt and pay 20%+ interest to them in an emergency, but I choose to have an emergency fund and pay the price of losing to inflation (~3%) instead. It also lowers my risk and gives me more options. To quote Warren Buffett, "You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out." What I take from that is you never see who is financial stable until there is a problem. Better to be ready for it with a solid emergency fund than risk it all. I feel better now that I got that off my chest :)