What's the objective? A place that the family always thinks of and goes to for reunions or vacation? Possible income and wealth for future generations? A business/way of life to continue?
Overall most of those may be overrated. My Mom's family grew up with two generations of the local family get togethers and knowing all the extended cousins, so did my wife's family. Now in the third generation most of us don't do it because there's a separation in what my immediate family values, and what the extended family values. We still see one another, but it's not the close family ties that once existed. I know people who currently have that, it started a generation ago and probably ends next generation, it's hard to maintain this more than a couple generations because the politics, religion and underlying values can't hold across hundreds of extended family members.
The same goes for business/way of life. Look at any farming family and most have left the industry...same for fishing, timber etc.
Finally wealth creation, this I'd do it for. But not for future generations. Maybe they benefit and that's great, but a large part of valuing wealth and what it afford comes in the struggle to obtain it. My kids may end up receiving an inheritance assuming they already value it...and if they don't then they'll get a token amount. That remains to be seen, but none of my planning is to provide them anything more than initial opportunity.