Not to muddy the waters, but the answer on what to do with the $600,000 is subjective to each experience, geography, etc etc.
To keep things simple, what do you want to do with your life (i.e. travel, not work again, etc)? How much money do you need to make to live? My advise would be set a timeframe for yourself to gain knowledge (i.e. 2-6 months) and then re-evaluate what you want to do; if you don't know about something but want to/ see value in it, then invest the time. Surround yourself with a great team whatever route you go and make time for the relationships(mentor(s), accountant, lawyer, contractors, etc). There are many variables here (sounds like you may be working, not sure on family, etc) but I think many know where I'm going. There are great answers here, such as going for cash flow (putting money in the bank after all operating expenses, debt service, and reserves) or equity (having lesser debt on a property compared to what it's worth), or return on value (money into a property / appreciation and future sale) but different investors strive for different goals and those are all relative to whose goals they are.
Lastly, to those that say $600,000 cash isn't enough and you're too late- tell that to the thousands and likely millions of people that would like to be in your shoes. That's more money than many people will ever see in their lifetimes! It's not fair for any one person on here to judge if that's enough or not enough for you personally.
So maybe this wasn't so simple, ha! But you seem to be on the right track already - asking questions as we all don't know what we don't know!