@Greg Rose, you mention "we" several times, and "I" once... so, as far as the LLC is concerned - is this you (a single member LLC) or you & partners (a multi-member LLC)? THis will make a difference to your tax treatment, meaning single member wont necessarily trigger "ordinary income" as a multi-member would - Im NOT an accountant, but did just last week setup a couple more entities and made some changes to an existing one.
One other suggestion - PA has a 2% transfer tax (1% to buyer, 1% to seller) that you want to keep in mind). IF you later decide to chage more than 90% ownership of the LLC it will trigger real-estate transfer tax, talk with your accountant & or attorney on this one. In other words, have your entity ownership worked out BEFORE you put a property into it or it may become more costly later on.
You might also want to have a Nevada LLC hold the PA LLC as the laws were just changed in PA significantly weakening a single member LLC as far as charging orders are concerned. This one is for an attorney to answer, however in my case another "holding" entity was formed to hold multiple LLC's under that umbrella. We formed and changed managers to the holding company BEFORE putting any value into the entity, otherwise you have the transfer tax issue to contend with.
Best advice - seek competent PA council that knows this stuff cold. I can give you my attorneys name, but I will forewarn you, he ain't cheap (but also known as the best in the valley - where I live)