Thanks for the feedback everyone...
As mentioned, I do have my PM license in Oregon so I'm legal. I work a full time job and am slowly practicing PM on the side. I'm using this time to learn, in practice vs. theory, the day to day running of a PM company so that when I make the jump to full time I've got policies and procedures in place and wont have to ask as many questions like this. For the record, I'm very upfront with my clients that I'm new and that I have a full time job "on the side". So far everyone has appreciated my honesty ad forthrightness
8-12% is pretty standard here in Portland from what I've seen with 12% being the owner with one SFR and 8% being condos and multiple units under contract.
Kelly N.
We talked about finding another tenant if the first one didn't work out and that I'd be charging another fee to help them place another tenant. I think they're more concerned with having a buffer in place (with me) to screen and make sure that all of Oregon's laws (of which there are a ton!) regarding renters are followed to get them in. And to let me be the one to turn less than ideal tenants away.
I'll definitely pencil out the math with a long term contract vs. a hybrid/placement-only model and see what their costs could be. I'm trying to help them get what they need...