I'm searching for my first rental real estate property and an agent sent me a few options near a college (about an hour from my house). The enrollment of this college has been 9,000-10,000 annually over the years.
I plan to view these properties this weekend. And I wanted to do a bit of research on here before that time.
Are there any negatives or positives to renting a property near a college (which historically only rents to college students)....different from positives and negatives of any rental property?
Are there any unique calculations or factors which I should take into account, different from what people use on a typical property?
And for those who may do this quite often, are there any favors which make one college better than another in terms of owning a rental property nearby? I don't mind researching other colleges if this one isn't ideal by some data points.
Thank you to all in advance for your help.