@Elizabeth Rose
I've had many clients contact me regarding units at the Hard Rock, but they have never worked out for different reasons. I have reviewed several owner statements from different units, and the hotel takes 50% of the gross revenue along with other miscellaneous fees. However, I don't think this is far off from what any full-service short-term rental management company would charge. The low price and location make them appear attractive. Most, if not all, require all cash, there are limited hours to view the inside before purchasing, and there are high monthly fees. Owners can only use them for 28 days per year. They do tend to sit for a while before selling. If there's a particular unit you want numbers on, let me know.
Which parts of San Diego are you looking to invest in? There is still a good portion of the county that is not affected by the newer restrictions, and I believe you can still get a license for most property types outside of Mission Beach.