@Stuart Chinworth I'm in a very similar situation. I have a great network of investors but I can't source enough of the larger deals to place the capital available to me. I haven't done a large syndication and have been trying to find a syndicator who would be interested in bringing me on for a deal to raise capital and learn the ropes. I have had success with smaller deals but just feel like I lack the experience to confidently invest other peoples' money into a large multi-family.
I've been considering joining a training or mentoring program primarily for networking with syndicators who need capital partners but I just haven't been ready to pull the trigger on $10k+ for one of the better known mentor programs.
If you get any feedback, please share it and I'll do the same. I think it's possible that the market has so much capital available right now that we just don't bring enough value as potential partners without more experience.