Originally posted by Jon Holdman:
The issue is not the deal itself. Its not the Democrats or Republicans, per se. Its the polarization and the willingness to stand pat at all costs. The market now recognizes the US, like the Japanese and Europeans, is paralyzed. I would put the odds are much better than 50% that we will now truly fall into a depression.
So true Jon.. even though I strongly disagree with the current spending, and entitlement socialist agenda i'm witnessing in office... it doesn't matter what side you are on! Both rep/dems are corrupt and controlled by lobbyists, their only concern is to be re-elected and gain power.
How do we protect are hard-earned $$? I have said it on here before, stay away from the stock market. You may invest in excellent co's with great earnings but as you see, there are larger powers at work that will destroy them.
Invest your 401ks that have limited choices in TIPS funds, take your 5% and be happy (currently over 12% YOY).
The rest? REI and gold and silver. It's the only defense I see against the madness.
Just read a headline... another $100mm for Somalia in aid.
Have a great day.