@Jonathan Davis The answer to your question starts and ends with understanding your own drivers, desires, capabilities, and objectives. We are all driven by our subconscious minds to strive for the things we truly believe we desire. This can, and in many cases is different from what we consciously think we want. Your conscious mind operates your actions at about 6% of everything you do. Your subconscious mind operates the other 94% of the time. Many people think they want something only to discover, when they get it, that they didn't want it in the first place. These are things we desire from a conscious perspective. This applies to personal relationships as well as material things. Your subconscious mind only ever wants your true desires.
One way to understand this is to consider that each of us is driven by something inherent in our being. It's a hierarchy of individual life priorities (HILP). This HILP is our subconscious driver. Your HILP is spread over 7 key areas of your life, family, social, financial, physical, spiritual, societal, and vocational. Imagine listing these seven key areas of your life in regard to their importance to you. You create a list, a hierarchy.
A quick example. My daughter has 4 children. She has the desire to be financially independent like lots of people do. However, she has an inherent challenge. The number one thing on her HILP is family. That means that if she has freedom of choice in what to do in any given circumstance she will do whatever is best for her family. If money were number one on her list she would do whatever would make her the most money. If health were number one on her list she would choose health actions first, etc. Her challenge is this. If I gave her money to invest for her future, do you think she would invest it, or spend it on her children? The answer is she would spend it on her children first and foremost. Because they are number 1 on her HILP. Unless I could show her that investing is the best thing she could do for her children, then the only thing that would drive her is her HILP and that is to benefit the family, primarily her children. To give them what they want.
To be able to, "get ahead", you first need to truly understand what that means to you and your wife. Trying to create financial wealth if money is not high enough on your HILP is futile. It's futile because you will always revert back to your HILP no matter what your conscious mind thinks. Your subconscious mind, which operates you 94% of the time is always seeking what's highest on your HILP. In other towards, the more you work against your HILP the harder it becomes. You will find yourself spending money that should be saved for the future on the things that matter most to you. This is normal. We are all driven this way.
I suggest investigating this process and if you do, you will discover how to identify your HILP and I can assure you it will make a world of difference in what you do moving forward. Bad luck is something that usually happens when we are chasing something we don't truly want. We are living in a false reality trying to be something other people want us to be. Not everyone wants to be a multi millionnaire. Not everyone wants to own multiple properties. Learn how to become authentic to your true desires and then you will find all the answers you seek and bad luck will no doubt disappear.
I would look at the work of Helene Kempe at Optimum Thinking and Dr. John Demartini for guidance. A simple Google search on these amazing people and their work may help you immensely.
Good luck on your journey.