Always search for balance in your life, money and success are worthless if you can't share them with people who you love and love you back. One of the greatest mistakes I made earlier in my life is that I thought that once I achieve a certain level of success, that I can then be happy, pay more attention to my family and friends, and live a balanced life. I convinced myself (and even those around me) that everything will be fine next month, next year, once I got to accumulate this or pay off that, etc...and it was all an illusion. The more success you have, the harder you work to make more and protect your assets, and you'll always find excuses why you have to work more and enjoy less. BIG MISTAKE, it almost cost me and I've seen what we term "success" and "wealth" ruin some great and wonderful people.
Set goals for yourself, set money aside to enjoy life and reward yourself, not only when you close a deal but even if you fail or lose! Focus on acquiring "experiences" instead of "stuff". Enjoy life when you're young, because when you're older and have all the money and wealth, you'll look back and say I wish I did this or that when my body and life allowed me to do certain things. You've heard all the cliches, they have some truth behind them, always search for balance and you'll be fine.