Thanks a lot for your reply. I have few more questions if i may..
1. what exactly non-recourse financing means?
- Unlike a Self-directed IRA, if you use leverage (which must be non-recourse financing in either case) to acquire real estate with your Solo 401k the income will not be subject to Unrelated Debt Finance Income tax.
2. At a recent seminar the presenter constantly kept mentioning self directed ira with an s corporation and also mentioned with this approach not only can i invest in real estate but also in retail business. 3. i am interested in using my retirement funds to: a. invest in real estate for flipping, whole selling, rentals, rehabs/resale or rentals of single units or multi units using funds from retirement for earnest deposits or down payments or leveraging finance from hard cash or private money lenders (combination of my money and or money from lenders plus my money). b. also invest in a retail business for living. instant income using funds from my retirement funds. what will be the best approach for me? what kind of retirement funds rollover, (i have florida suncoast credit union in mind to open my retirement funds account). what will be the best account to accomplish my goals i mentioned with best tax model beneficial to me and my business growth?