Originally posted by @Ned Carey:
Originally posted by @J.j. McGuigan:
What are the best ways of getting those taxes current in order to avoid foreclosure and allow the owner to sell their home
You don't need to bring them current. That is handled at settlement. The taxes are taken out of the sellers proceeds and paid by the title company.
The only time it is an issue if if there is a pending foreclosure. Then you are racing to beat the foreclosure as in @Christina R.'s deal.
Ned is absolutely correct. The only time you need to pay back taxes before the close is if you are racing against a forclosure threat. Back taxes aren't a bad thing though for you, use it as a bargaining chip. Theres a few things you can do here.
1. Close before the forclousure (your end buyer pays the taxes)
2. Schedule a closing date after the date of foreclosure (you front the seller cash to pay his taxes)
Okay so if you choose to close before the foreclosure date then make sure you negotiate the taxes as a total cost on the property. For example, if your goal is to buy a property for $40,000 but the owner owes $3,000 in back taxes then you need to negotiatate a sale price of $37,000 for the property and agree to pay the back taxes current at closing.
Now if you choose to front the seller the cash to pay his taxes current... I do not recommended this simply because the money you front the seller isn't going to escrow as an EMD. So there is some risk involved, as the seller could just walk away from the deal with your money. But its real estate, and if you have a smoking hot deal on your hands then you could consider this option. You have to ask yourself though, is the risk worth the reward?