For sure, @Hunter Bentz. We're here in the Kansas City market making moves as well. We're investing and we work with quite a few other investors as well.
Location is important... You mentioned seeing a lot of very cheap investments. There's a reason why you're seeing more of them that are on the lower end of the spectrum. That's not exactly a good thing. Invest there at your own risk...
A few things we've had to get real about:
1. It costs more to get better product in decent or better locations now. 1a. It also cost more to get properties renovated as well. Your expectations may need to be adjusted.
2. The "all in" costs (purchase & renovation) for most "deals" now are higher. Not all of them - definitely a majority of them though. Most of our best deals now are leaving us or or clients "ALL IN" closer to 80% - 90% of the ARV. We're doing mostly BRRRs - I do not and have not worked with fix & flippers over the last 5 or 6 years for a number of reasons... Mostly because I found it to be a waste of time. Buy & Hold is where it's at for us right now, bro.
3. True real estate investing is a a long-term play. If you're planning to get in a try one deal then you might consider just forgetting about it. I'd encourage you - just like I do all of my investor clients now - to set your intention to buy & hold properties for the next 5-10 years, at least.
If you have access to capital and aren't afraid to rehab and utilize leverage along with following the above then your odds of succeeding will be higher.
Here's what we've been targeting the last 3+ years and it's working incredibly well: B-class single-family homes - ARV's in the $150k - $250k range and sometimes higher - no renovation projects over $90k yet lol - and we do some creative financing as well, which has been an absolute game changer.