@Hai Loc, US market is different than the Canadian. I agree with @David N., Karen & Mike Wilkinson.
Most of the high end buyers have taken a hit on the stock market, and they are either renegotiating or exiting deals, while the entry-level buyers finally have a chance to grab properties, as usual on these properties are multiple offers and if they are lucky enough to already be under contract, some are trying to get additional credits, some I see just closing.
Over the last 10 days, I got daily multiple new clients, so in Chicago, the market has not stopped. Life goes on. Kids will start new schools this fall, students will finish colleges and move on. New households are formed, you see the picture.
The showings are the issues, not the buyers not wanting to buy! At these low-interest rates, all my house-hacking buyers are hoping to be able to place contracts on good 3-4 flats even sight unseen and see the properties at the inspection.
The inventory is still low and mostly only vacant properties can be easily shown, so these properties will sell first. I am personally waiting on two new listings to place on the market on April 1st after they are vacated, even though they are ready to go live now. I am also looking at adding floor plans and video marketing to the professional photos to help the buyers that really have to move.
In the end, this shall pass too.