That can be a very difficult task to undertake. You could spend hours driving for dollars and come home with a short list of properties. Yet, as you stated, you are still left with the struggle to find the owner.
You can search county tax records - have you tried that? From what I gather, that is very helpful for some investors. However, in my county, the records are extremely outdated. I called a man who seemed very upset when I mentioned the property. Little did I know that he lost the property in a bankruptcy three years prior - THREE YEARS - and his name still showed up as the primary owner.
That being said, I've now switched to searching for foreclosure and pre-foreclosure properties because they are easier to find in my county. The records for pre-foreclosure court dates are up to date and list most if not all of the following:
1. The borrower's name(s)
2. The purchase date
3. The purchase price
4. The balance of the loan
5. The location of the property
With number 3 and 4 I can already determine if this will even be worth my time. I can also do a super quick preliminary estimate of the neighborhood it's in. I can see what similar houses in the area have sold for in the last 6 months.
1. Talk to local investors
2. Talk to workers at the local police station
3. Talk to workers at the county sheriff's office
4. Talk to workers at your city/village hall
5. Talk to workers at the county courthouse or administrative building
Tell everyone what you're doing - those you know and those you don't know (yet)