Quote from @Nathan Gesner:
Quote from @Thomas Azoury:
Right. So you could give them a 30-day notice that you are taking the garage back, but I think that's bad practice. I also think it's bad practice to be $1,200 a month below market rate. You're essentially subsidizing your tenant to the tune of $15,000 a year. Your low rates have cost you over $80,000 for this renter. That's enough for a renovation, downpayment on another rental, etc.
I'm sticking with my advice. Remove them, split the units, and rent both units at market rate.
@Nathan Gesner It's immoral to tell them they can't use the garage anymore (with proper notice), but it's not immoral to just evict them without the option to stay? I don't follow that logic. The rental market here in Santa Barbara is brutal. Most renters' worst nightmare is being evicted and having to find somewhere to go. There just aren't any options.
Tell them what you're doing, give them the option to make their own decision whether they stay or leave. Simple as that.
But also, don't charge below market rent! Especially if prop 33 passes, you may be stuck with those low rents and be unable to claw back to market, even after vacancy.
The unintended consequence of all the rent control they've been passing in SB & CA as a whole...it incentivizes landlords to increase the rent every year to avoid being stuck with a below market unit.