Quote from @Jerome Nunez:
Hi BP Community,
I'm trying to pull quotes for new kitchen remodel and updated bathrooms for 2 BR / 1 BA apartments (~800 SF) in Rhode Island. Does anyone have a sense of what materials + labor would cost here? I wanted to sanity check the below figures with the BP community!
I received a quote from a broke that mentioned it will be ~$30k/unit (seems high), which should include adding washer and dryer units to the apartment. Adding closet organization and cosmetic improvements are likely to add another $5k.
How big is the proposed kitchen? How are the finishes?
There's a lot of variables at play. I can't speak for contractors, but as a DIYer, I know even the most basic kitchen renovation may end up costing me 10k if I were to do it myself.
2-3k for cabinets.
1k for plumbing and fixtures
1k for electrical and fixtures
2-3k for granite countertops
1k for tiling/flooring
1k for miscellaneous like painting, etc.
Now, if I had to pay someone to do these things, that quote could easily double.
30k settings a little high, but I can see how some of the higher end contractors may want to charge that.
My suggestion would be for you to keep the layout as close a possible to the original can you do some of the work yourself? Like hanging the cabinets? Can you hire friends in the trade?