So I'm reading 100 pages of mind numbing dribble creatively known as the "Troubled Asset Recovery Program"; aka, "TARP". Ain't that sweet? Like I posted earlier, its purpose is designed to be similar to that of the RTC we worked with back in the day.
On page 6, Title 1, Sec.101,(a)(1), you can read exactly what TARP is engineered, or proposed to, do. I have a copy of the bill for you at:
I say keep the Federal Government away from troubled assets and let market forces in the private sector manage the assets. There always has and always be, capital in the market. Putting these assets in the hands of greedy and inept bureaucrats will only cripple and place a boa's stranglehold on moving product to market. Either way, the assets need to be liquidated - I just prefer they do it in the swift manner privatizing it can accomplish.
Which is what I intend to continue doing.