@Jarrell D.
I have a background in things like marketing, desktop publishing and web design so making things beautiful is in my blood. I look at beat up areas and want to rebuild neighborhoods one house at a time! Not very practical.
@Jarrell D. I looked a little in Gary, because if i move to SB it's not that far, but there were all these super cheap houses sitting vacant. Almost ghost towny. Not being from there makes that seem like a big leap of faith for me.
@Derrick E. @Account Closed
So how do you fund property like this that you're holding when you get started? I have some money, but we rented when first moving to WA and my husband has refused to buy.. thats another story, and he lives in Mesa, AZ now and I'm in WA. So, I'm doing this on my own and with the money I have.
I don't have money from the big equity windfall many here in WA have if they sold-out.
I think about only putting $4-5000 in a property and it seems unreal and I can do things like paint, install cabinets, and tile, etc myself. I get how fresh paint, a power wash can go a long way, but most of what I've seen need more than that.