hey thanks guys!
well my back ground is this.
about 5 years I purchases a condo, so i am no longer a first time buyer i guess. at that time i wanted to get into REI but was living with a big spender non thrifty person (now ex wife) we ended up selling the house due to financial reasons. Never late on that morgage. We soon divorced. I am now living with some one. We are both wanting our next purchase to be a Home.
I am currently cleaning up my credit from my divorce and running a business. (in addition to work i ran a small business which i shut down to try to save my marraige, which failed) lol
I have made a few wise investments recently. Flipping boats and cars the last 6 months. and plan to sell them to pretty much wipe the slate clean here in the next few months. I have seen my score go up recently. I hope to have A+ credit in the next 12-15 months. My fiances score is in the 750s.
I really like the idea of "sweat equity" as my good friend put it that i was out on the boat with saturday. He is doing the same thing. hopefully he will be joining this forum soon as well.
I admit i spent way to much time on the hobby forums and hobby type stuff and not enough time investing and learning about investing.