@Lenny Almanzar
You are in the right place. Get yourself an EMF meter. I have one but can't find the link but here's one that should do the same job: https://www.amazon.com/TriField-EMF-Meter-Model-TF2/dp/B078T2R64C/ref=sr_1_4?crid=86GD3F56WTMC&keywords=emf+detector&qid=1583806213&sprefix=emf+de%2Caps%2C1048&sr=8-4
Don't live in a magnetic field. There will always be EMFs in your home but you should do your best to make sure they don't exist in rooms where you spend a lot of time, such as bedrooms and the kitchen (for the missus, happy women's day hehe).
Long story, but as an electrician years ago, I worked closely with a researcher in Australia who'd been quietly working with Sydney doctors and cancer patients. Their unofficial research found that some patients with aggressive cancer lived in homes with strong EMFs in rooms such as bedrooms. This researcher had built his own EMF detectors and together we probed houses of the cancer patients, located the EMFs, then my job was to eliminate the EMFs through installation of a ground rod, or moving the wires creating the EMFs (usually the mains running through the ceiling). The result was either dramatically reduced or eliminated EMFs, and improvement in patient conditions. I don't think any of this is documented, although it may be in a medical journal in Australia I suppose.
Any home I plan on living in, I take my EMF detector during inspections. Building inspectors get pretty excited about it. One house we lived in had an intense field in the middle of the master bedroom - the mains went under the floor. My wife loved the house, so to mitigate the problem we moved the bed several feet away from the field and this was enough.
One thing that determines the strength of the field is how much current is being drawn at the time. When the AC kicks on for example, the meter goes crazy.
When you say you are close to the substation, how close? Will you hear the rain crackling on it at night? The meter will help you decide if it's too close or not.
There have been several houses I've chosen not to pursue due to high voltage wires in the vicinity, and subsequent strong EMFs.
I hope this info helps you on your quest. This stuff is real.
Michael that is a wealth of info, thank you! Please see the said address and substation on map, If further interested I will have to do a reading...